Original - Cartus Toner Original Yellow Samsung Y659 (CLT-Y659S/ELS)
Cod Produs
Improve the vibrancy and overall quality of your colour output with the genuine yellow Samsung CLT-Y659S toner cartridge. This product is developed for the rendering engine for clean page technology by Samsung, and when the printer is equipped with the Samsung CLTY659S toner, it can automatically sharpen the focus of text and graphics, and solid fills can be more consistent without white gaps. The advanced toner formulation of the Samsung CLT-Y659S yellow toner ensures accurate colour reproduction, too. The life of a yellow Samsung CLTY659S toner cartridge is 20,000 pages, perfect for the creative and basic document printing needs of a small to medium-sized office.
OEM | CLT-Y659S/ELS, CLT-Y659S, Y659, SU570A |
Consumabil | Original |
Tip Consumabil | Cartus Toner |
Culoare | Galben |
Ciclu de Functionare | Approx. 20,000 pages @ 5% average coverage |
IP Safe | Da |
Prețul produsului include costul aferent colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE. Colectarea acestor produse se realizează în mod gratuit.
Caracteristicile tehnice prezentate pot conţine mici inadvertenţe. Fotografia are caracter informativ şi poate conţine accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard. Unele specificaţii pot fi modificate de către producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare. Facem eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acurateţea informaţiilor.
Galben | 20000 Pagini |
Compatibil | Samsung |
Serii Compatibile | Samsung CLX |
Modele Compatibile | Samsung CLX-8640ND Samsung CLX-8650ND |
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