Original - Cartus Toner Original Yellow Xerox 6R01156 - (006R01156)
Cod Produs
The genuine yellow Xerox 006R01156 toner cartridge is a colour toner that works in your laser printer to deliver impressive image quality. This original Xerox 006R01156 cartridge is filled with yellow toner that brings you an array of high impact colours that are perfect for printing vibrant graphics. Single-pass colour laser technology enables the Xerox 6R01156 laser toner to work quickly and reliably to produce high resolution images that are ideal for applications such as brochures, newsletters, presentations, labels and business cards. The yellow Xerox 6R01156 toner is able to enhance the appearance of your documents with attention-grabbing colours designed to give your business a competitive edge. This convenient Xerox 006R01156 cartridge is fitted into your laser printer with ease and features an estimated capacity of 15,000 pages making it extremely cost-effective to produce crisp colour copies.
OEM | 006R01156, 6R01156 |
Consumabil | Original |
Tip Consumabil | Cartus Toner |
Culoare | Galben |
Ciclu de Functionare | Approx. 15,000 pages @ 5% average coverage |
IP Safe | Da |
Prețul produsului include costul aferent colectării, tratării și eliminării DEEE. Colectarea acestor produse se realizează în mod gratuit.
Caracteristicile tehnice prezentate pot conţine mici inadvertenţe. Fotografia are caracter informativ şi poate conţine accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard. Unele specificaţii pot fi modificate de către producător fără preaviz sau pot conţine erori de operare. Facem eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acurateţea informaţiilor.
Galben | 15000 Pagini |
Compatibil | Xerox |
Serii Compatibile | Xerox WorkCentre |
Modele Compatibile | Xerox WorkCentre M24 |
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